Interview with CanvasRebel

I had the opportunity to chat with CanvasRebel for my first ever interview. I share my my hot take on being a generalist (vs. picking a niche), my background, advice for building clientele and holding vision while developing proficiency. View the interview here.


You don’t need to pick a niche unless you want to. While it’s a great strategy for some and can be a fast track to mastery, I have always felt very limited by the idea of picking one customer to create one thing in one style for. After decades of creating various things, I can tell you that you can be successful working on multiple kinds of projects. It might just take longer to achieve traditional ‘success.’ Work for years (even decades) to build proficiency in various related skills, and eventually, with your unique talent stack, YOU become the niche. Having expertise in varied areas helps you stay booked as a freelancer, too. Clients appreciate the ability to collaborate on a wide range of projects. I can create, art direct, or refer out just about anything we dream up.

View the interview here.


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