How to Promote Your Book

Congratulations on publishing your book! It's an amazing accomplishment and something to be proud of. Maybe you also already have branding assets (a website, logo, a sell sheet, business cards, etc.) But now you’re wondering what you can do next. Whether you're self-published or have a publisher, promoting your book is essential. As a book designer, I've gathered valuable advice from clients over the years. Here are some tips to boost your book promotion.

Create a Goodreads Profile

Creating an author profile on Goodreads is a great way to connect with readers and engage with your target audience. You can also join groups to further promote your book.

List on Book Promotion Websites

There are many book promotion websites out there, some of which are free, while others have a fee. Sites like BookBub, Many Books, BookGorilla, BookSends, and The Fussy Librarian are great places to start, but also research if there are specific lists in your niche.

Write Articles for HARO (Help a Reporter Out)

HARO is a DIY PR resource that allows you to write articles related to themes in your book and promote your product as a resource.

Get Featured on Book Review Blogs

Submitting your book to book review blogs can help get the word out there. Some great ones to consider are Book Page, Book Riot, Kirkus, Library Thing, The Book Smugglers, LitHub, and Electric Lit.

Submit to Online Book Clubs

Submit your book to various online book clubs or book bloggers who review books and feature them on their websites. This can generate buzz around your book and connect you with readers who are interested in your genre or topic.

Contribute to Online Writing Platforms

Write articles related to your book or expertise on online platforms like Medium or Substack. This can showcase your writing and increase your visibility to potential readers in your target audience. Plus, backlinks from these articles can improve your website's SEO. You can also guest post on other author’s blogs.

Speak on Podcasts

Pitching yourself as a guest to relevant podcasts can help you reach a wider audience. Use a tool like Chat GPT to search for podcasts in your niche. Prompt it to give you answers for well-known and lesser known podcasts.

Schedule a Book Tour

Contact local bookstores and libraries to arrange book signings, readings, and events. This is a great opportunity to connect with potential readers, promote your book, and build relationships with the literary community. Consider traveling to other cities or states to expand your reach and connect with new audiences. Be sure to have promotional materials and copies of your book on hand to sell and sign.

Host Workshops or Events

Host workshops or events where you share your creative method or expertise. Consider offering a journaling exercise or another activity related to your book or expertise, and promote your event on social media, through email marketing, or on your website.

Show at Book Fairs

Show your book at book fairs to reach a wider audience and connect with potential readers. Book fairs are also great opportunities to network with other authors and self-promote.

Host a Launch Party

Host a launch party to celebrate the release of your book and invite friends, family, and members of your community to join in the celebration.

Hire a PR Firm

If you find the above options daunting or don't have the time for them, consider hiring a PR firm. Such a firm can help get your book and services mentioned in the press and secure speaking engagements, saving you time and effort.

Post to Social Media

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok and Instagram can be great tools for promoting your book. If you already have an engaged audience that is your ideal target reader, definitely lean way into promoting on your social media. Even without an engaged audience, social media can still be a valuable tool for promoting your book. You can share personal anecdotes related to your book or writing journey, as well as relevant news and articles related to your book's theme or genre. You can also announce book signings and other events, and engage with your followers to build a community around your book. If you need content ideas, to build a content organization system, or social media graphics, I can help with that. Email me and let’s create together!

Offer Exclusive Content

Consider offering exclusive content, such as bonus chapters or deleted scenes, to readers who purchase your book directly from you or sign up for your mailing list.

Create a Book Trailer

A short video teaser for your book can be a great way to grab people's attention and generate interest. Email me and I connect you to a videographer. I can even art direct your video.

Create an Author Brand

A cohesive and eye-catching author brand can make a big impact on your book promotion efforts. As a graphic designer, I offer services such as logo design, website design, social media graphics, and more to help you create a brand that represents you and your book in the best possible way. Check out my portfolio to see examples of my work and if you like what you see, Email me and let’s create together!

In conclusion, promoting your book is a crucial step in getting it in front of your target audience. There are various ways to do this, from attending book fairs and scheduling a book tour to reaching out to podcasts and writing articles for HARO. As a published author, you have put in a lot of hard work to bring your book to life, and it's important to continue the momentum by promoting it. Whether you choose to invest in a PR firm or utilize the services of a graphic designer, remember that promotion takes effort and persistence. With these ideas in mind, you'll be well on your way to spreading the word about your book and engaging with your readers.

Are you in need of book design or cohesive author branding? I’d love to help bring your projects to life. Email me and let's create together!

C: 661.492.2451


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