Interview with Bold Journey

Well, this is exciting! Bold Journey featured me on their article "Developing Discipline: Stories & Insights". I talk about clarity and discipline gained from losing a parent at a young age, tips for managing time and energy, and the most impactful book I have read. Read the interview here (3rd feature down).


If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

1. A dedication to your craft. I do this by always having a self-directed creative project in the works. It’s important to stay devoted to curiosity and give yourself the space and freedom to create solely for creative expansion. Not everything needs to be monetized.

2. A commitment to become great at managing your time. Improve time management with the Pomodoro Technique—work for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. After four cycles, enjoy a 15-30 minute break. This helps you understand task duration for accurate estimates. If you tend to be obsessive, use the technique selectively and transition away when necessary.

3. An intention to manage your energy. Once you have a handle on time management, focus on energy management. Take note of your most and least creative and productive times, the activities, situations, and people that energize or drain you. Then start being intentional about how you are using your energy. Shifting from time to energy usage creates a paradox: suddenly, you have more time.

View the interview here.


Feature with Greenvelope


Interview with CanvasRebel