Process: Grow Free Collection
Here are some process photos of my most recent "Grow Free" collection. I created 13 inspiration flowering cacti pieces to license in the wall art and calendar markets. I have also made a few of them available on Society 6. Stay tuned! I may make more of them available on there.
• Acryla Neutral Gray No. 4 Gouache (outlines)
• 3/0 Arista Pure Kolinsky Sable Brush (yes, this is a photography spotting brush, but I love it and it is what I had laying around)
• Scanner
• iPad Pro / Pencil
• Astropad app to mirror Photoshop
• Bluetooth keyboard
• Desktop Easel: husband says this is easel-y the best $30 I have spent.
• Kyle Webster's gouache brushes (Used to fill in the outlines. Highly recommend all of Kyle's brushes. These gouache ones are now available to use directly on the iPad through Adobe Sketch, which syncs to Creative Cloud. Amazing!)
• Dry brush backgrounds created with watercolor and an old janky brush I have
Detail of gouche outlines.
This is why I create botanical artwork. I am a wannabe green thumb. I even kill air plants. Any tips I should know for keeping these babies alive?